Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Forced Dilemmas for the Characters in The Crucible by...

â€Å"A place or occasion of severe test or trial.† is the most obvious definition the Dictionary gives of the word â€Å"Crucible† that would relate to the title of the novel. However not many think to consider the other definition of the word which is â€Å"a little ceramic or metal container which is used for the purpose of metals or other substances to be melted or subjected to very high temperatures†. In other words a â€Å"Crucible† is a small container which is pact with aggressive results; which fully relates to Salem throughout the witch trials, for it was a tiny village containing violent madness. Nevertheless for the majority of individuals living in Salem, it became a crucible for them if they were ever wrongly accused at the stand of the religious court of being a witch. No confession of an accused individual resulted in being hung. Although one’s life could be secured with a confession, however a life of always being remembered as some one who had the Devil deified. Living beneath such commotion and madness the majority of the characters in the famous drama were enforced to undergo dilemmas, personal motivation, as well as development- that all relate to the title in between the lines of their plots and the general story. The novel leading man of the story John Proctor who spends his days as a Salem farmer is also wound up in an affair with the young Abigail Williams, his hired girl. Proctor was a married man to Elizabeth, whom ultimately was accused as a witch by Abigail, whoseShow MoreRelatedLies and Deceit1501 Words   |  7 PagesLies in Salem Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is a tragic play set in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, where Miller uses the Salem Trials as a metaphor for the 1950s McCarthy hearings. In Salem, people value their good names. The Puritan community acts as a theocracy in which there appears to be no right to privacy, and people must conform to a strict moral code. The theme of reputation, lying, and deceit are shown in Abigail, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Mary Warren, and other characters. In the play’sRead MoreEssay On The Book Of Job And To Kill A Mockingbird796 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout history, authors have been writing in order to express multiple messages or themes in order to give the audience life lessons which can help them later on in life when they are faced with dilemmas. Furthermore many books express common themes but with different plots, characters, and conflicts. 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The extreme witch hysteria deteriorated the rational and emotional stability of its citizens. This exploited the populations weakest qualities, and insecurities. The obvious breakdown in social order led to the tragedy that saw innocent souls hang on the accusationRead MoreThe Crucible Conformity Essay1041 Words   |  5 PagesConformity is all around you and it is up to you to make the right choices. In Arthur Miller’s 1953 drama, The Crucible, Miller uses conformity by forcing the people of Salem to choose between being an outcast or being accepted but forced to live a life not true to themselves. Conformity plays a key role in the play because it shows the reader that everyone is hiding something and it gives a deeper meaning to some of the characters actions. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Privacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy - 3113 Words

Introduction Privacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While this definition serves as a quick start to the right of privacy, there are still several interpretations as to what may or may not constitute as an invasion of privacy. What one person may believe to be an innocent curiosity, another may feel as though it is a deliberate invasion of privacy. Often these disputes make their way into courtrooms and are subjected to controversy and evaluation. This essay will focus on appropriation of name or likeness for commercial purposes. First, it will define the right of privacy, and right of publicity. Next, the evaluation and discussion of four cases in which appropriation of name or likeness for commercial gain was assessed in courtrooms. Then after, thoughts on c urrent developments in this area of law will be discussed, as well as suggestions for current working journalists. Finally, closing and concluding statements will be addressed. Background In the mid twentieth century, the tort of appropriation experienced a shift. Courts reoriented the tort so that it no longer exclusively protected a person’s interest in dignity or â€Å"privacy,† but rather the pecuniary interest in the commercial exploitation of one’s identity, or one’sShow MoreRelatedPrivacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy3114 Words   |  13 PagesPrivacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While this definition serves as a quick start to the right of privacy, there are still several interpretations as to what may or may not constitute as an invasion of privacy. What one person may believe to be an innocent curiosityRead MoreSocial Media s Eroding Our Privacy Essay1312 Words   |  6 PagesSurveillan ces Eroding our Privacy The emerge of our privacy invasion has mount with government surveillance by the U.S national security system (Baumer, Roth, Epstein, 2014). Government surveillance and social website such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube are source of privacy invasion (Cole, 2015). Connecting to social website to communication with friends, family, and co-worker; sharing, updating news, and information which overcast privacy according to Cole, 2015. Many Americans became occupiedRead MoreNSAs invasion of privacy1408 Words   |  6 Pages NSA’s Invasion of Privacy Whether it is calling someone on your phone or online shopping on the computer, people are more connected than ever to the internet. However, a person might be oblivious to the fact that they are being watched using these technologies. The NSA (National Security Agency) is an intelligence organization for the U.S. to protect information systems and foreign intelligence information. Recently the NSA has been accused of invading personal privacy through web encryptionRead MoreEssay on Invasion of Privacy975 Words   |  4 PagesInvasion of Privacy and Libel Case Study Invasion of Privacy and Libel Case Study Invasion of privacy is something that is a major concern among Americans. In this paper I will discuss Steve, who has recently joined a church. The church doctrine is such that members are to reveal indiscretions from their past. 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Not once does the legal document that outlines the social order of the United Sates, define, or explicitly state a â€Å"right to privacy† for its citizens. Even with this fact prevailing over society, American citizens still esteem privacy in the highest regard. According to a survey conducted by the PEW Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tan k that informs the public about the issues, attitudes andRead MoreTechnology Invading Your Privacy : An Invasion Of Personal Privacy1030 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology Invading Your Privacy As the world becomes more connected to each other, personnel privacy rights are being stifled due to the need for free flowing information. Closed Caption Television Systems (CCTV) is an invasion of personal privacy. The criteria that are used to measure invasion of privacy are constitutional rights, probable cause collection rights, consent of tracking rights, and storage or destruction of all materials collected from the CCTV system. Probable cause is the legalRead MoreEssay Bumper Stickers: Are They an Invasion of Privacy?511 Words   |  3 PagesBumper Stickers: Are They an Invasion of Privacy? Driving down the street, in the bathroom, on telephone polls, on walls of buildings, and even on trees, bumper stickers and other forms of verbal decorations clutter our view. Some make us laugh, some provoke anger, and some pull the tiny chords on our pity strings, but all express an opinion. Should we allow people to plaster everything in view with their opinions? Those who cry out with an emphatic NO believe that these types of verbal decorationsRead MoreEssay on We Must Strive to Protect Privacy in Technology580 Words   |  3 PagesWe Must Strive to Protect Privacy in Technology Technology is getting more and more complex as the years come and go. The availability of personal information is easier to access and the risk of it being tampered with is also high. As the years pass, the threat of privacy invasion gets greater and greater and easier to happen. There are several ways that privacy is able to be invaded and there will only be more to come. Americans have had their personal information given away without evenRead MoreOutrage over the NSAs Data Collection is Hypocritical in the Publics Acceptance of Data Mining by Other Companies1701 Words   |  7 Pagescomment at this time and it faded from memory. Recent events by the NSA have created public outrage about this invasion of privacy and expressed incredulity at how this could happen or even that it was possible. Although it had been reported previously, the American public seemed to accept it and moved on. Wireless technology has been around for decades. There is a part of the American population which is older and remember the two party phone lines where you could eavesdrop on others conversations

Friday, December 13, 2019

What Motivates You Free Essays

string(28) " time to complete the task\." What Motivates You! There was a time where employees were known as just another input into the production of goods and services. What possibly changed the way of thinking about employees was research, referred to as the Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo. This study found employees are not motivated solely by money and employee behavior is linked to their attitudes (Dickson, 1973). We will write a custom essay sample on What Motivates You or any similar topic only for you Order Now Why is motivation so important in the work force and what should be done? Motivated employees are needed in our rapidly changing workplaces. Motivated employees help organizations survive, be more productive and managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. Some are motivated by being asked for their assistance, others like to take on new challenges with a new assignment. Likewise having a role of leadership by being in command with ever decision you make with more responsibilities with minimum time. Employees are also instigated by being recognized by their values and like to be seen for their values by going and doing something together. Also a compliment, reward or a bonus is another great way to encourage a member by congratulating them for a job well done. A way to get managers to get employee more motivated is by asking for general help, an idea or even opinions. Asking another person for help is possible the most sincere way to recognize their abilities and value as a worker. They themselves would feel useful to you and to the company knowing they are able to help out in any way or form. This might expose the manager with lack of skills and experience, but it gives the worker self confidence and an admirable feeling knowing something a higher position doesn’t know. Few years back I use to work for Raaga, a DVD rental store for Indian movies. My manager was not so great with working on the computer and he knew I was a tech savvy in computers. He would ask me questions or get help about basic information, which I was more than happy to assist him motivating me to know something that my manager doesn’t know and makes me feel like I am an asset to have around in the store. Inquiring also shows the respect for their skills and talent that they apprehend, which leads you to greater trust in ones performance. So not only does it motivate workers, but gain respect at the same time. Some members want attention and would be an honor to be asked for help so they can use their knowledge that they have studied to solve the problem in a different form and gives them the motivation to show what they have in them. Not only does asking for help motivate, but asking for is an idea or opinion another key way. If you admire the persons idea for instance, he/she is diligent and finish their work quickly and would like to know how they finish so efficiently. Don’t hesitate to ask them there secret, because not only will it flourish your business, but you will also distinguish the skills and ability in a more meaningful way. By doing so, you not only helping your business, but also give your employees a way to express them of how they think and express themselves during their daily routine. Many managers and owners don’t take the time and trouble to go up to their employee that can suffer the company, along with the employees not having the encouragement to work productively. Motivation can also be found by having your employees rotating in different position within their home department. Many small and large businesses are looking ways to improve the work design system by creating a job rotation strategy. When employees work on the same duty each day without variation, they are more likely develop boredom and carelessness, because they lose their self-esteem and motivation values. Many workers get tired doing the same task repeatedly, which can lower motivation. This not only lets the workers maneuver around at work by having new task, but will reduce the burnout reduction of being in the same position throughout the years. Burnout is an exhaustion feeling that disintegrates businesses leading to decrease productivity, increased absences and increased of people leaving the job. Placing them in a new surrounding can change the person work behavior in an instance. They are now learning different working skills and socializing with other people in different areas of the department, which gives them the challenge to be a more skillful worker. I am currently working for Dish Network and currently we have been doing the same routine throughout the week. So my supervisor gave me a new opportunity by placing me in new location that I have never been to before. This means meeting new customers and newer environment gives a fresher feeling and new experience giving the motivation to keep working. Having a person with different skills and talent can be a plus point for the company. Furthermore, employees that are engaged with a variety of positions throughout the company experiences increase in appreciation for coworkers and the connection between positions, which lower resentment and improve organizational commitment. Employees at the same time will build up motivational feelings by knowing that they are a great part of an asset to the company and the team. Greater the motivation the other advantage of the job rotation is increased employee satisfaction, because business owners know when a worker are not pleased with people that endeavors. This makes them feel unmotivated, disturbed and depressed, which is disrupting productivity. Informal leadership can also put a major impact on gaining motivation. According to Jeff Haden, author of â€Å"The 5 Best Ways to Praise Employees,† Putting an employee in a short-term informal leadership role can make a major impact. Testing their knowledge, leadership skills and managing with very little time to complete the task. You read "What Motivates You" in category "Essay examples" An informal leadership role shows trust in your employee’s intelligence and their judgments. The more important the assignment is, the bigger the implied praise and the greater the boost to their self esteem, which ties with motivational factors. According to Psychologist Frederick Herzberg, â€Å"Motivational factors are those elements that go above and beyond the basic maintenance factors. † (148). It gives them the opportunity to be recognized, promoted or even be given more responsibilities. This also motivates the employees to improve their productivity. They might find out new and productive way to complete the company’s goals as well as their individual goals. When they are given a big task or project in hand the boss expects you to manage everything by yourself by gathering the right people for the task and giving out orders might give stress to a person. But it unlocks their motivations and ambition to show they have it in them to accomplish anything for a job well done. Managers and employees are usually busy with their own work and never have the time to know one another. Knowing your employees either as a family or friend can make them feel flattered rather than being seen as just another employee at work. A good way to know your employee’s value, especially their value to you is by doing something together. It doesn’t have to be work related in general it can be something outside of work. For instance going ut for coffee or lunch break is a great way to have a conversation. Ask about their family and kids or just life in general. At the same time a manger would want to keep a minimum distance by neither being to companionable with the members, because this may disrupt the flow of productivity of work if we had employees being more laid back and coming late to work to the time they are scheduled. By doing something w ith an employee individually and getting to know them with the slightest attention can also increase production making them feel admired by being known personally by the boss. Employees will automatically know their position to where they stand and will continue to do what it takes to keep the boss satisfied to be known as a valuable employee. The last source and probably the greatest source are by giving a simple compliment for a great job or even an award to show your gratitude. Money is an important factor in life, but it doesn’t always motivate them. What really motivates to perform at higher levels is being thoughtful, personal kind of recognition showing true gratefulness for job well done. For instance when I finish my shift my supervisor gives me a positive feedback at the end of the day letting me know that I am doing a fine job. Many bosses or owners don’t give enough of these compliments to their employees after finishing any task, making them feel they haven’t done a extensive job. A boss should notice their employee’s performance, because taking someone for granted will never be a proper motivator. Giving a positive response and other forms of showing your appreciation can show great support for the right performance. The cost is little to nothing and can be given when a good deed occurs, which is when motivation has its most effective impact. Giving a time off can also help people’s motivation. If top performers can continue to keep up with high results while working less, everybody wins. A day off doesn’t really cost the organization anything if the performance levels remain high. Coming to work day to day can be exhausting and can wear people out, which may lower motivation to continue to perform like they use to when they first started. A day off can help a person relax, spend time with the family member and regain energy so their minds can be clearer and make accurate decision or just being rewarded by finishing the job quicker. But of course it never hurts to get extra cash in your pocket by getting a bonus in your paycheck. These are only a few ways to motivate your employees and remember what ever motivates one person might not motivate everyone else. Giving similar rewards does not motivate employees to exceed further and may ruin performance as top achievers see no reason to do the job that they are doing. According to Continental J. Social Sciences group, study of â€Å"The Effects of Motivation on Workers Performance,† hypotenuse predicted that, â€Å"The majority who are 35 in number with 58 percent proof the significance of promotion and fairness in promoting workers performance, while 17 percent who are 10 in number resort to money likewise, 12 percent for security, 8 percent and 5 percent also subscribe for recognition and prestige respectively,† for a more motivational production. It is important to know that motivational influence plays a very big role in the day to day task of workers in every organization. As a result it is clear that workers performance of any sort is a function of motivation getting from the organization and thereby improves and increase productivity. In view of that workers motivation matter a lot and should be concerned for both employers and the employees. There are many ways to motivate a person and everyone has a different way of being encouraged weather its asking your employee for help, getting placed in a role of informal leadership or even going out for a coffee break getting to know each other can be a great way as well. Maneuver your employees in different departments or environment can also be another way for them to have a fresh new feeling and of course being rewarded or getting cash bonus never hurts for getting a job accomplished for a more efficient successful business. How to cite What Motivates You, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

“October Sky” by Joe Johnston and “Every Day Use” by Alice Walker’s Essay Example For Students

â€Å"October Sky† by Joe Johnston and â€Å"Every Day Use† by Alice Walker’s Essay â€Å"October Sky† by Joe Johnston and â€Å"Every Day Use† by Alice Walker’s stories deal with parents and kids relationships. John Hickam and a middle-aged woman are parents who find themselves choosing between both of their kids. Dee and Jim are the strongest kids of the family who’ve followed their parents’ expectations. Homer and Maggie are very different from their brother and sister. They have very different goals compare to their brothers and sisters. As consequence their relationship with their parents experience obstacles and conflicts. As readers we capture the distinctions that this parents have between their kids. They treat them differently. The theme that stands the most is based on the relationship between parents and children. John and Walker have learned to accept their kids and the differences that create a different out come from the begging of the story until the end. Hickam and Walker faced conflicts and gained their parents respects by changing their static relationship into dynamic acceptance between them. Homer devotion to rockets and differences between his brothers does not follow his dad’s expectations creating conflicts between them and static their relationship as father and son. In â€Å"October Sky†, the story takes place at a West Virginia mining town during the 1950’s. People could only survive working in coalmines. John is a mine superintendent and fully expects Homer to follow his footsteps. He demonstrates to him how much he wants him to become a coal minter and says † homer I was born for this, and I shouldn’t be surprise you were to. † This creates conflict with his dream of becoming a Rocket Scientists. By winning the science project he would be able to gain a scholarship and becoming a rocket scientist. He follows his dream over passing the problems like when he’s arrested for flying his rockets. This makes his father say something he’s never said before. In this scene he shows how bad he felt about his son and says, â€Å"Homer I’ve been confuse about you, I’ve been mad at you, but boy that is the fist time I’m shame of you I in my life. † Other contradiction for his father is the different accomplishment from his brother Jim. He succeeds as a football player by winning a scholarship. This is something that for his father’s eyes puts Homer in a disadvantage. This passage is reflected when he’s at his office and says â€Å"Were shouting off a rocket today, I though you might like to come and see it? † John replays, â€Å"I got to catch up on some work. † Then Homer looks straight at him and says, â€Å"how come you never have work when Jim plays football, you never miss a game? † Maggie has an insecure personality very different from her mother showing a conflict and maintaining a static relationship with her mother. In â€Å"Every Day Use† it’s a story narrated by a woman who describes her self as â€Å"a large, big-boned woman with rough, woman-working hands. She has enjoyed a rugged farming life in the country and now lives in a small, tin-roofed house surrounded by a clay yard in the middle of cow pasture and has two daughters, Maggie and Dee. Dee is very different from Maggie. She’s a smart girl who was send to Augusta School to study and become a knowledgeable woman. This is also described by her mother and says â€Å"She washed us in a river of make believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessary need to know. † Before Dee seemed to hate her sister. After the house where both of the girls and her mother used to be live before. This incident created an immense impact on Maggie. What is Patriotism EssayDee said, â€Å"Maggie knows how to quilt† Quilting was tradition for her mother pass down generation by generation since the Civil War. Therefore Maggie’s mother knew she’s worked hard for them and reacted by telling Dee, â€Å"I promised to give the quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John Thomas. † Maggie proved to have respect for her mother and a lot of love. This was shown when she says to her mother â€Å"She can have them, Mama, I can still remember Grandma Dee without the quilts. † After leaving for so long with her mother she deserved those quilts. Instead of fighting for she didn’t mine her sister having them. This reply represented the respect she had for her mother and her ancestors; she didn’t require the quilt to remember who she was. Very differently from her sister, Dee who needed to have them hangs on the wall in order to remember her past. As ignorant, ugly as she was she always supported her mom. This affection changes the static relationship they had as mother and daughter. It also created a dynamic attitude towards her daughter. Her mother recognizes how meanful she really is for her by saying to Dee I promised to give the quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John Thomas. â€Å"When I looked at her something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet. † In this part her mother has realized the real Maggie, she finish this by saying â€Å"This was the way she knew God to work. † Her mother’s last proof of affection was show when she says, â€Å"I did something I never had done before: hugged Maggie. † â€Å"October Sky† by Joe Johnston demonstrated the conflicts that John Hickam faced with his son Homer. Among these conflicts were the following: his devotion to rockets, becoming a coal miner, his father rejection and the differences among his brother. As well as â€Å"Every Day Use† by Alice Walker provided us a list of conflicts, which made Maggie and her mother relationship very static. Conflicts based on Maggie’s insecure, ignorant, differences form her sister that she reflected to her mother. Magpies gained her mother’s respect by showing support, understanding and respect to her culture, values and ancestors. Homer as well gained his father’s respect with effort, respect towards his dad, wining the science fair and becoming a scientist. Both of the kids change their parents point of view and their static relationship into a dynamic understanding and acceptance among themselves.